Animation:The journey of an E-Mail...

Technology has given us an instant means of sending letters i.e. E-mail. Whereas E-mail is fast but the hand written traditional letters carry much-much affection. I still remember those days when I was in school, watching my parents waiting for a letter from our loved ones. While Email gives you instant gratification, still the real love is carried by the traditional hand written letters with the touch and the fragrance of the real loved ones.Both the ways are great ways of communication.The post offices facilitates the journey of our traditional letters.Have we ever wondered how an E-mail travels through Internet. The protocols that facilitates this are the SMTP(Simple mail transfer protocol) and the POP(Post Office Protocol).
There are loads of literature in Internet describing these protocols. I here present an animated version of the whole explanation, to make the understanding clear.That's it !


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  2. Excellent animation! very easy to understand!

  3. while True:
    print("Really cool animation")
